Saturday, March 5, 2011

How did I do that?

What is truth something that you can hold on to? Is it something concrete or real? Maybe for you truth is a context or situation in which you can always return to when everything else seems to fail. According to my Mac's dictionary truth is fact and fact is something that is indisputably the case. So the saying "the truth hurts" really hold itself to be true...or do we make it more that way that it need be.  Think about this when someone loses a parent there is fact that they are no longer there, that fact is a truth and this truth hurts...ok it holds up here. Another get a new iPhone 4 and this phone was free due to the lack of responsibility of At&t and some kind of contract void, regardless you have a new free iPhone. You have fact because you can hold it see and touch it. You know this is a truth and this truth makes you happy. So do things that are tangibly true make us more happy? Or is it maybe that society is trying to convince us that material tangible things make us happier. None-the-less, we seem to be happier and accept things as truth when we have physical evidence to support that truth. What is physical evidence did not exist...what if someone told you that oxygen was not real...could you prove them wrong? Sure maybe through a series of deep scientific tests. OK so what if someone told you God was not real. Or that he was real. Could you prove them wrong...or right. If this question was the case what would you do to support your answer what kind of fact could you have. Or is it possible that everything around you is one fact that leads to another. If someone asks you if God is real, a valid response could also be is oxygen real, and if oxygen is real do we know that it really is what we breathe in to live. If this is the case the fact that it regulates through our body to keep us alive when we are not even conscience of it has to be amazing. If it really does the when we cannot control it then how is it controlled? OK by your brain. Your brain is sending messages to deliver that oxygen throughout your bloodstream, GREAT I know now that I am alive because of my brain. What is a brain, why does it function like that, how did it become that why, what to I need oxygen to help keep my brain alive when it is the very thing that is telling my brain to be alive, and when did my brain get so smart that even when I was a little kid it worked the same way??? No one taught my brain to work...or did they? Did someone possibly design the brain so that humans could live not having to forcibly perform every bodily function? Why? How do I know this is true? How do I know I wasn't just made that way? You were. Every single operating part of you was made to perfection. Don't Forget, you weren't made to.

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