Friday, December 17, 2010

Listen this thing's talking

You have probably all heard the song, "Hark, the herald angel sings, 'Glory to the new born King.'" But have you ever actually thought deep into the meaning of what Charles Wesley was saying there.

hark - (verb) - listen
herald - (noun) - a person or thing viewed as a sign that something is about to happen
angel - (noun) - a spiritual being believed to act as an attendant, agent, or messenger of God

     Or even thought about what an angel really is? Is it weird that every time angels appear in the Bible they start out with, Don't be Afraid. I don't think that is just a coincidence I think everyone that sees an angel is genuinely scared. If it was a man with a shiny halo and wings I don't really think anyone would really be afraid. In Daniel 10 it talks about when he saw an angel how he passed out. And he was a mighty man of God, lived in a lion's den and did fine! These Angels are warriors and they probably are the prettiest looking dudes. But they fact that they came was so important, every time. They appeared to these shepherds and sang.

is the First....or the Second more likely to be an Angel?

These angels, warriors, came to sing to shepherds...thats crazy. They came rejoicing about the incredible news. These guys had no idea, but it really happened, God really came to earth, And the Angels came to tell these men. The King of all of the earth was here on earth as a baby. Babies are cute an cuddly but they also poop and pee a lot.  God came as Jesus, to be fully man here on earth. That is crazy love. My God loves me so much that he literally became human flesh not to conquer the Roman Empire but to impact more people than the Roman Empire ever even came close to coming in contact with. Napoleon Bonaparte said it best when he said this,

"I know men and I tell you that Jesus Christ is no mere man.
Between him and every other person in the world
there is no possible term of comparison.
Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne, and I founded empires.
But on what did we rest the creations of our genius?
Upon force. Jesus Christ founded His empire upon love;
and at this hour millions of people would die for Him."
Who is this man that warriors sing about, he has affected more people than the greatest conquerer on earth. He came in Love.