Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Love is something that cannot be seen. It is an emotion that surpasses all other emotions by name alone. Love is perfect, and kind and just. Love cannot be written out completely in a book or acted out in a movie. It is not something that you happen upon either, no love is a gift. Many gifts come from some sort of love. Love must have a source, where does it come from? Is it born or created or thought up in your head? Does it dwell in the existing relationship between husband & wife, Father and Son? Is it an emotion that springs forth from certain holidays? No. Can you see love just by looking at hearts or sweet things? No. Is Love tangible....Some would say yes. Well maybe love did not originate from a man & woman's relationship. Maybe love has always been. Yes. God created us out of love, we weren't created because He needed help gardening. The Lord loves us so much that He is continually blessing us with our next breath! God is Love. So if we are truly trying to figure out what love is we must go before the source, God, and ask. But this still doesn't seem tangible I know. God however did not stop at the creation of those he loves, he walked with them day by day in the garden continually showing them true love. And he continues to walk with mankind throughout the pages of the Bible and the very reports of men and women today, listen to stories of how God walks with us:
He Guides us. Since man turned its back on God there had to be death as a payment. This payment was  Ultimate Love: a love that surpasses any existing notion of love in your mind. God came and lowered himself becoming a servant and suffering the most horrific, painful, gruesome, humiliating death. All this because He love me. He wanted me to have life so bad that he gave his own, that love, that's tangible. Paying what we owed, death. A King He is indeed, The King High above all. What is Love you may ask? One word, Jesus

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